Evergreens Results (Men)


Erdington Court have two teams in the Birmingham-wide Men's Evergreens OUTDOOR League.They are the Alligators and the Barracudas.

B - Barracudas
Game Date Opponents Home or Away Rinks won Rinks Lost Rinks Drawn Points cum. Points Shots for Shots Against Net Shots Cum Shots
1 17/05/2021 ECBC - A Home 2 0 0 6 6 47 12 35 35
2 24/05/2021 Solihull Municipal Away 1 1 0 2 8 22 23 -1 34 Re-arranged for 28/07/21
3 07/06/2021 Bournville Away 1 1 0 2 10 24 34 -10 24
4 14/06/2021 B;ossomfield Away 2 0 0 6 16 35 29 6 30
5 23/06/2021 Kings Heath Away 1 1 0 4 20 42 20 22 52 Re- arranged for 04/08/2`
6 05/07/2021 Sherwood Park Home 1 0 1 5 25 42 29 13 65
7 07/07/2021 Rowheath Away 0 1 1 1 26 24 29 -5 60
8 14/07/2021 E C B C - A Away 1 1 0 4 30 34 25 9 69
9 19/07/2021 Solihull Municipal Home 1 1 0 3 33 31 31 0 69
10 02/08/2021 Bournville Home 1 1 0 2 35 29 32 -3 66
11 09/08/2021 Blossomfield Home 2 0 0 6 41 51 21 30 96
12 16/08/2021 Kings Heath Home 2 0 0 6 47 41 21 20 116
13 23/08/2021 Sherwood Park Away 47 0 116
14 01/09/2021 Rowheath Home 47 0 116
15 7 2 47 422 306 116
Rinks Won Rinks Lost Rinks Drawn Total Points Shots For Shots Against Net Shots
Won 7
Lost 4
Drawn 1
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